Holiday camp by RMCLUB

Le Holiday Camp by RMCLUB

Is your child on vacation and you don't know how to keep them busy?

We've got it covered! Check out our schedule.

From Monday to Friday, for half a day, a full day, or the entire week, the Kids by RMCLUB team offers fun, manual, and sports activities each day based on their age group.

The themes of the holiday schedules are different each time so that children can discover new activities.

Usefull informations

  • Depending of the school calendar
  • From 9am to 1pm, from Monday to Friday
  • You can switch on After School program until 6pm
  • Wearing sportive clothes is compulsory (shoes, short, t-shirt) / cap / sun cream / water bottle (we can fill it)
  • 1st come, 1st served

Holiday camp


  • Manual, fun, and/or sports activities
  • Lunch
  • Water available at all times


Program for February/March holidays.

For creative and sportive holidays:
- From the 24th of February to the 7th of March: see timetable

Program for sportive holidays:
For our sports players (8-11 Yo): see timetable

More information and booking with Delphine: ou 54 28 99 50 minimum 1 day in advance